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Reports & Plans


2023 Budget - draft, to be approved on June 13th 2023 regular council meeting

Audited Financial Statements

In accordance with the Municipal Act:

295 (1)  Within 60 days after receiving the audited financial statements of the municipality for the previous year, the treasurer of the municipality,

    (a)   shall publish in a newspaper having general circulation in the municipality,

               (i)   a copy of the audited financial statements, the notes to the financial statements, the auditor’s report and the tax rate information for the current and previous year as contained in the financial review, or

              (ii)   a notice that the information described in subclause (i) will be made available at no cost to any taxpayer or resident of the municipality upon request; and

    (b)   may provide the information described in subclause (a) (i) or (ii) to such persons and in such other manner as the treasurer considers appropriate.  2001, c. 25, s. 295 (1).











Asset Management

Asset management planning assists in the development of a long-term strategy for the management of our capital assets that provide services to our residents and businesses.

Strategic Asset Management Policy
Asset Management Plan

In 2009 the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure enacted the Green Energy Act to help public agencies including municipalities, hospitals and schools manage and reduce their energy consumption. As part of this Act, Regulation 397/11 requires certain public agencies to report on their annual energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. The regulation also requires the development and implementation of conservation and demand management (CDM) plans. For more info, see

Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan (2024 - 2029)

Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan (2019)

2018 Energy Consumption and GHG Emission Report

2019 Energy Consumption and GHG Emission Report

2020 Energy Consumption and GHG Emission Report

2021 Energy Consumption and GHG Emission Report

2022 Energy Consumption and GHG Emission Report

2023 Energy Consumption and GHG Emission Report

Official Plan (current)

Official Plan - draft 2024