There are many little adjustments we could all make in our lives to help with recycling. Recycling is part of the larger idea of conservation. Conservation of our water, earth, and air. Some ways of conserving include:
- use programmable thermostats
- change weather stripping
- put in more insulation
- heat shrink wrap older windows
- insulate water and heating pipes
- use compact fluorescent light bulbs
- use solar garden lights for non-necessary outdoor lighting
- make your next vehicle a fuel efficient one
- use solar power
- buy local produce to reduce transportation pollution
- use ultra low flush toilets (6 litres per flush)
- use composting toilets
- use low flow shower heads
- use rain barrels for outdoor watering
- plant native species to reduce water and pesticide use
- buy a reusable lunch bag or container
- use rechargeable batteries
- use cloth bags
- buy windup radios and flashlights (a good safety tip too!)
- shop at bulk food outlets - bulk items use less packaging
- use refills when possible (such as ink and cleaning products)
- use your local library and rent or download movies
- buy from companies that package their product in re-useable containers
- buy products with no packaging!
- buy re-usable items whenever available
- use a garden composter (and make a garden!! It's good exercise for the soul!)
- use recycled products whenever available...carpet, clothing, glass, paper, etc.
- Recycling and Conservation Links