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Zoning Bylaw and Official Plan Review

Official Plan Review

Our Official Plan is a long-term plan that provides a policy framework for: making land use planning decisions; managing resources; protecting the environment and setting a structure for guiding growth. The Official Plan ensures compliance with current provincial plans, policies, and legislation, and reflects the goals and values of the Conmee community. The preparation of the Township's New Official Plan will address conformity with the updated Regional Official Plan, and compliance with the Planning Act changes, Provincial Policy Statement, a Place to Grow, and all other applicable legislation and policy documents. 

For more information, please see:

TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Conmee passed By-law Number 1425 on Tuesday, January 9th 2024, under Section 17 and 26 of the Planning Act,

R.S.O. 1990, c.P, 13, as amended, adopting a new Official Plan for the Township.


The purpose of By-law Number 1425 is to adopt a new Official Plan for the Township of Conmee and to repeal the previous Official Plan, By-law Number 592. A copy of the By-law and the new Official Plan may be viewed online at or in person at the Township Office during regular business hours.


The new Official Plan was submitted to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs for approval. The Minister of Municipal Affairs is the approval authority for the new Official Plan and may approve, modify and approve, or refuse to approve the new Official Plan.

Effective October 10th 2024, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing approved the Official Plan with modifications.


Purpose and Effect of the Official Plan


The Official Plan sets out the Township's land use planning goals and policies that will guide the physical development and redevelopment of the Township, including the desired pattern of land uses and management of resources. Additionally, the Official Plan establishes the basis for actions related to use of land, and creates a framework for the implementation of the Township's powers and authority.


Effect of Written and Oral Submissions


Written and oral submissions relating to the Plan were considered by Township of Conmee Council and where appropriate, the Plan was modified accordingly to further strengthen the draft policies.





Draft updated & reviewed Official Plan (2024) - as approved by Council

OFFICIAL PLAN - as modified by MMAH - effective October 10th 2024

MMAH - Letter regarding Decision

MMAH - Decision

MMAH - Notice of Decision


Zoning By-law Review 

Council is undertaking a review of the Zoning By-law. The Zoning By-law divides the municipality into  different land use zones. The by-law specifies the permitted uses (e.g. commercial or industrial) and the required standards (e.g. building size and location) in each zone

A zoning by-law implements the objectives and policies of a municipality's official plan. It provides a legal way of managing land use and future development and contains specific requirements that are legally enforceable. Construction or new development that does not comply with the zoning by-law is not allowed and the Township will refuse to issue a building permit (unless there is an approved zoning amendment application). 

The current Zoning By-law, By-Law No. 645 for the Township of Conmee, was originally approved in 1993. Zoning By-law No. 1136 is out of date and requires updating as a significant period of time has elapsed since it was originally prepared 30 years ago. It needs to be representative of current development trends and should be made to be more flexible to respond to future changes as well. Further, the Zoning By-law needs to be updated to conform with the Township Official Plan, which is also being reviewed and updated.

There have been some fundamental shifts in the focus of the Provincial, Regional and local policy framework since the original 1993 zoning by-law. The Township of Conmee has the responsibility as a municipality to bring the Zoning By-law in line with the current policy framework at all levels of government.

For more information, please see: 






Draft updated & reviewed Zoning Bylaw (2023) - approval pending acceptance of draft Official Plan by Province of Ontario