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Emergency Plan

Emergency Plan and Home Preparedness

Why do we have a plan?

An emergency plan is required so that all staff and residents are aware of their responsibilities in the event of a disaster or catastrophe such as:

  • Forest Fire
  • Prolonged Power Failure During Extreme Cold Weather
  • Hazardous Materials Spill
  • Major Property Damage (winds, explosions)
  • Influenza or other Pandemic 

To see the official 2024 Emergency Plan click on this link: Emergency Plan

Except as otherwise provided by the AODA, the Township shall, upon request, and in consultation with the person making the request, provide or make arrangements to provide accessible formats and communication supports for persons with disabilities. Accessible formats and communication supports shall be provided in a timely manner, taking into account the person’s accessibility needs and at a cost that is no more than the regular cost charged to other persons

Objective of the plan

Our emergency plan also includes an Evacuation Plan so that all residents can be moved to safety, with a minimum of delay and confusion. In the event that only a small area of the municipality is affected, reception areas in the safe parts of our community will be used. Conmee's Plan ensures that:

  • Everyone in the affected area is notified.
  • Assistance, transportation, food and shelter is provided when possible for the residents involved in the emergency until the situation returns to normal. Conmee Township now has a generator at the Community Centre to ensure that an emergency operations and evacuation centre is available in the event of a disaster.

Operation of the plan

Residents will be alerted of an emergency by the continuous sounding of fire and police sirens or by door to door notification conducted under the authority of the Community Control Group.

On hearing the alert, residents are asked to tune their radios to local stations for further instructions.


On receiving a warning about an immediate or impending evacuation, each person or family should have ready:

  • Identification, money, credit cards.
  • Bedding items (blanket, sleeping bag, pillow).
  • Ready to eat food for at least 12 hours.
  • Thermos bottle with hot beverage.
  • Toiletries and prescription drugs.
  • Change of clothing, one piece of luggage per person.
  • Residents without transportation or physically unable to move on their own should place a white cloth onto the door of their residence facing the street and turn on the radio or television to local stations and listen for announcements and/or instructions. Pick up will be as soon as possible.
  • Depending on the nature of the emergency, residents may be requested to stay in the safety of their homes.
  • Residents should have their own emergency plan, including identifying where you can go locally or out of town.
  • Residents relying on public reception centres for accommodation are reminded that pets are not permitted.
  • The Township's Community Control Group (C.C.G.) will arrange for local stores and gasoline stations to remain open during an emergency as long as conditions permit.

Emergency preparedness in your home

Prepare an emergency survival kit that will keep you and/or your family self-sufficient for at least 6 days:

  • Water: a minimum of one gallon per person, per day.
  • Food: stock non-perishable food and a manually operated can opener.
  • Stock a first aid kit including prescription medication.
  • Stock tools and supplies - battery operated radio, utility knife, waterproof matches, candles, needles and threads, wind-up clock, toiletries.
  • Clothing and bedding, sturdy shoes, rain gear, blankets, cold weather apparel if required.


Remember your local emergency service and radio station will advise everyone further with reference to the staging areas and other evacuation plans. Road-blocks may be set up by emergency services and your complete co-operation is requested. Township Municipal Office: 475-5229. In an emergency other emergency numbers may be activated.


  • All residents must be accounted for. Therefore you will be notified where the Registration Centres will be set up. Remember to notify your immediate family of your whereabouts.
  • If an emergency is imminent, keep phone lines open for emergency workers.
  • Follow the Township's Community Control Group (C.C.G.) instructions. If you are asked to evacuate, do so promptly.
  • Travel only on routes that are recommended.

Hazard Proof Your Home

Anticipate what could go wrong and take corrective action.

  • Know where and how to shut off water, power and gas. Have any tools required on hand.
  • Evaluate what supplies you need to store.

During a Power Failure

  • Check to see if your neighbours have power and report your outage to Hydro One at 1-800-434-1235.
  • Never leave candles unattended
  • Never use charcoal, a propane or natural gas BBQ or camping heating equipment indoors.
  • Unplug sensitive electronic equipment.

Your Own Power and Heat Supply

In the event of a prolonged power outage, some residents may consider using a portable generator, especially if you are dealing with family members who have critical needs such as an oxygen machine. Retailers of gasoline operated generators are listed in the yellow pages under generators. A licensed electrician must do the installation if hooked into your home power. Portable generators use either gasoline or diesel fuel and must be operated out of doors. Ensure that backup heat sources such as stoves and fireplaces are properly installed and that you have extra fuel available, stored safely.

Questions concerning this information or requests for further information should be directed to the Conmee Municipal Office at 475-5229.