Members of Council:
(from left to right - photo below)
Councillor David Halvorsen: 807-355-3437
Councillor Chris Kresack: 807-355-4523
Councillor David Maxwell: 807-355-8234
Mayor Sheila Maxwell: 807-355-8237
Councillor Grant Arnold: 807-355-8235
Council has now resumed its normal practice to meet on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month, commencing at 6:00 p.m. Special meetings will be called from time to time, as and if required. As always, Council is committed to directing the operations of Conmee Township in a fair and transparent manner. Council welcomes input from ratepayers of the Township. If you wish to present something to Council, or address Council on any topic, please contact the Clerk to discuss making a delegation. See Article 12 of Bylaw 1200 (Council Procedures) for more information.
Minutes of Council meetings are not published until they have been approved by Council. Generally this occurs at the next regular Council meeting, so it may take more than 2 weeks before Minutes are published on the website.
Council acts in accordance with municipal by-laws and provincial laws including, but not limited to,
By-law 1135 Code of Conduct (amended by By-Law 1253)
By-law 1200 Council Procedures (as amended)
Code of Conduct Complaint Policy
Closed Meeting Complaint Policy
Council has developed an Asset Management Plan and a corresponding Asset Management Strategic Policy to ensure that ratepayer funds are expended in a timely, cost-effective manner to maintain the physical assets of the Township. Questions regarding this Plan may be directed to the Treasurer.
Asset Management Plan Update 2016
Strategic Asset Management Policy
Archived Minutes and Agendas
It has been brought to Council's attention that the Minutes may contain acronyms that may not be understood by all readers. Please click the link below for an explanation of the acronyms. For further information on how each of those acronyms is used or how what they represent affects the Township, please call the Township Office at 475-5229.