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Location, Opening Hours and Passes

The Conmee Landfill is located on the northern side of Sovereign Road. See the township Map for the exact location.

Winter Hours (October 15th to May 14th)
Wednesdays: 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Saturdays: 9:00 am to 3:00 pm

Summer Hours (May 15th to October 14th)
Wednesdays: 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Saturdays: 9:00 am to 3:00 pm

Please note that under the Operating Certificate awarded by the Ministry of the Environment, we cannot take hazardous materials into the landfill without an amendment to the Certificate. Council has recieved permission to accept passenger and light truck tires, electronic items such as computers as long as the screen is not broken, paint and used oil. Other hazardous materials are not permitted including shingles. Older shingles were made with asbestos. As the Landfill Attendants cannot tell if any specific shingles contain the asbestos, we cannot accept any shingles.

We are also prohibited from accepting fridges or freezers unless the freon has been removed and an official sticker indicating that, has been applied by a certified technician.


Residents are required to show an ID card with your civic address in order to enter the landfill site. This ID is provided by the Township. You will also be required to show another piece of photo ID with your civic address (Emergency Number). Your ID will be recorded at each visit.

Although only one card will be issued per civic address, you may record up to four (4) persons who may take your garbage and recycling into the landfill on your behalf. The Landfill Attendant will have a list of all authorized users. This will include persons such as children who may take the waste to the landfill for their parents but do not have ID with a civic address in the Township of Conmee. It is up to the resident to ensure that the list is kept up-to-date with the Municipal Office.

If you have your garbage and recycling picked up by another person or company for a fee, you must record that person or company as one of your four authorized users. If you are a person or company who picks up other people's garbage for a fee you must register with the Ministry of the Environment for a licence and provide a copy of that licence, as well as a list of your clients to the Municipal Office.

The first ID card is free. Replacement cards will be $25.00.

If you are unable to come to the Municipal Office in person you may complete the Authorization Form below to have another person pick up the card for you.

Special limited access will be allowed for contractors to bring in construction waste, vacant property owners to clean up the property and in the case of illness or death of a property owner.

By-law No. 1095 - Waste Disposal

The following forms can be found in By-Law 1095:

  • Landfill Site Authorization Form to Pick Up Card
  • Landfill Authorized User Form
  • Contractor Authorization Form for Demolition Materials

Please contact the Municipal Office at 475-5229 for information on Landfill passes. The Conmee Landfill may be used by residents only. Non-resident property owners may apply for a time limited landfill pass to clean up existing garbage from a Conmee property, but in no case may waste from other Townships be placed in the Conmee Landfill. If you are a non-resident property owner, please contact the Clerk at 475-5229 for more information on temporary landfill passes.

Have a request or complaint? Please download form and email to If you need the form in a different format or would like a printed version, please contact the office.

Why Should I Recycle?

The Council for the Township of Conmee has implemented a recycling program for the Landfill site.

How to Use the Landfill and Recycle

Click here to read on how to use the landfill and recycle

Hazardous Materials and other ways to dispose and recycle

The Landfill cannot currently accept hazardous materials such as batteries, paint or tires. Click here to read more...

Other Conservation Tips

There are many little adjustments we could all make in our lives to help with recycling. Click here to read more...

Recycling and Conservation Links

Below are some links to other great recycling and conservation sites:

Recycling Council of Ontario -
is a not-for-profit organization committed to minimizing society's impact on the environment by eliminating waste. RCO's mission is to inform and educate all members of society about the generation of waste, the avoidance of waste, the more efficient use of resources and the benefits and/or consequences of these activities. Since its inception in 1978, RCO has actively assisted municipalities, corporations, other organizations and individuals in reducing their waste.

We Conserve -

EcoSuperior Thunder Bay -
is an incorporated environmental non-profit organization, located in City of Thunder Bay, Ontario, and governed by a volunteer Board of Directors. It is mission-driven on building a healthy future for people and the planet. Since 1995, it has been committed to inspiring and empowering change by offering meaningful programs and services. Its seven key focus areas are: food security; water quality and stormwater management; habitat, biodiversity, and wellness, active transportation; waste reduction and litter prevention; and environmental education.